Originally Posted By: DonoBBD
Originally Posted By: esshup
The heads of the star (torx) head "treated lumber" deck screws are rusting on my 8 year old porch steps. For dock screws all I use is square drive stainless screws.

+2 Even the ceramic screws will rust now a days and if your using a true 2X6 use #12 screws. #10 minimum the #8 will shear off when the lumber drys. Place the 2X6 tight when installing and you will get 3/16 gap after the lumber drys. If you leave a gap you will have a very large gap when dry.

Lumber will cup or dry cupped against the grain. Meaning you want to lay the lumber with the rings catching the rain so when they dry they will crown up and shed water.

Just about every back yard carpenter thinks the rings need to be placed down but when the tree is young the cells are small as the tree gets bigger the cells are larger. Small cells hold less water then larger ones. Larger cells then will shrink more pulling the lumber into a crown. OUT side of the tree down!

Cheers Don.

Wish I would have known some of this when I did mine. I'm not even a back yard carpenter (maybe a back yard welder though) so our boards went down at random. I have had to go through and tighten some of the screws. Grandsons were not always thorough about making sure the boards were down tight at installation. They did a pretty good job otherwise under my supervision. Stainless screws would be great though I might have chocked at the price for the amount I needed. Would definitely be a special order thing in this neck of the woods. If the screws and boards will last 20 years it will be somebody else problem by then.

Hope to get it all sealed with a Behr Deckover type product this summer. Any suggestions on that type of treatment?

Last edited by snrub; 05/29/16 12:39 AM.


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