Just an example I had recently.

I had an employee ask "hey can I come out and fish this weekend"?

I said sure.

An hour or two later employee said "you mind if my Dad and brother come too"?

I said yes that will be ok.

So on the Saturday...14 people from his family show up at different times throughout the day...they didn't all fish...but they want to ride the ATV's, kids using sling-shots into the lake constantly, people in and out of bathrooms all day. It all turned out ok, nice people, and this guy is a great employee...but who the heck would want that on a weekly basis? I guess someone younger than me. And at least I knew these people. I want quiet, solitude, and maybe a friend, or family member. A picnic party maybe once a year is fine, but my party days are in the rear-view mirror cool

Fishing has never been about the fish....