My pond has filled back up. I still need to get some more cover in the way of cedar and hedge trees in it, but its pretty much time to start adding some fish.

So I think what I would like to focus on pretty large HBG. But what should I put in to control the population of HBG?

I was thinking either SMB or LMB. In some of the other post there seemed to be a concern that there would not be enough HBG young to keep LMB fed. But I am assuming that that was to grow big bass. I like SMB too, but assume the LMB would do better in the quality of water I have.

So I have a 1/2 acre pond, that is generally on the muddy side. It is 6' deep max. Mud bottom and banks, almost no vegetation. This is a cattle pond.

Fishing purpose: young kids and me with a flyrod.

I assume I will need some FHM along with the HBG. How many would you all recommend. Also do I add the bass at the same time or later?
