Could you tell us a little more about your pond? How big? How deep? How bad of an FA problem? 50? 70? 90 percent???

If I were starting over now and just got my pond and could not afford air. I would.......

Learn what to use to control my FA to some degree. Have my water tested to see if it needs anything. Start catching LMB and getting some RW's on them. If they are below 90 percent RW I would get rid of them.

I would say do an electroshock of your pond to see what you have but if you cant afford air I'm sure you cant afford shocking your pond right now either....

When you catch your fish do they look healthy? Do they have any kind of black specs on them or parasites or little critters moving around on their scales??? Or do they just look skinny? If it's option 1 then you may need some RES in your pond to help with possible snails that are being used as hosts for the parasites....

IMO if you have ducks or geese get rid of them they do nothing but make a mess in your pond and leave possible parasites in your pond from there bird crap and their mouth all kinds a ways....

Oh and I would also buy the book Perfect Pond Want One? In the PondBoss store. Lots of great info in that book!!!


Last edited by RC51; 04/27/16 01:41 PM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!