So a lot has changed since I first posted here. And I've learned a lot. Some of it thanks to this forum. I tried the fountain and it looked cool but found out that electricity and water don't like each other. So instead of dealing with the pump in the water. I ended up buying a compressor and diffuser disc.

I didn't take pictures of the disc setup before I submerged it but those are the pump and what it's held in temporarily. Currently this setup is running 12 hours a day.

It makes quite a bit of bubbles/current.

Also, I stocked the pond with roughly 350 BGs, 75 HBGs, and 50 RES, 2 GC and 2lbs of FHMs. I pellet feed them but have yet to see them come to the surface yet. I've only had the fish in the pond for about 2 weeks.

I had a friend who works for the DNR come to check it out before I stocked it to see if it was worth it. He said so...but also informed me that he thinks the dam is leaking. We found the spill way pipe buried under the trees. So slowly we have been clearing off the dam. From what I can tell is that the pond leaks down to the current level and then levels off, where it doesn't leak much more.

You can tell from the stakes I have been marking since this February. The far left one is from winter freeze and when all the snow/runoff went to the pond. On the right you can see a bunch of closely marked stakes where it's at now. Which I think is more of evaporation and lack of rain.

Lastly, you can see in this picture on the dam the star...that's actually where the spillway pipe is. Right now the pond is about 7-8 feet deep. If the pond was up to the height it would be about another 6 feet.