Thanks, TJ and yes, very turbid and the GC is the only thing I can attribute that too.

But if there's a good side to that (turbid water), it may be one reason why I've had no FA over the past couple years? Lack of penetrating sunlight? My clarity is 12" or less at best. Although it's done nothing for the Blue Green Algae which was really bad last year.

Regarding the LMB, they already hang around (and under) the dock area, picking off BG during feeding time as I have 2 feed rings tied to the dock to keep the feed from drifting on windy days. Which is so cool because it's such a violent strike it splashes food right back up on the dock. And if you're not expecting it, or it's very early in the morning and you're not quite awake yet, it can scare the bajeebers outta ya!

Regarding the GC, last year on our trip our guide on Lake Okeechobee was the self-proclaimed "Bass Whisperer". I wonder if Nebraska has a Carp Whisperer laugh.

It's my goal to remove them this year so I'll be trying all the suggested ideas I've seen here on the forum!

Keith - Still Lovin Livin
(a short video tribute to the PB members we met on our 5 week fishing adventure)

Formerly: 2ac LMB,HSB,BG,HBG,RES