
Your best bet would be talking to a local well driller as they are the most knowledgeable about your area. If you find the right one he will know about what depth you will have to go, water potential, and if you have the possibility of an artesian flowing well (if you have a confined layer) Look in your local Yellow Page.

In my state (Indiana) well logs are available on line at the Division of Water site Indiana Department of Natural Resources. It may be the same as your state.

I believe in Dowsers too, but I would get all the information you can first.

Be aware that the prices well drillers charge will vary considerably.

I have an 88 feet 4 inch well with pump that rates at 45 gpms (220 volt) that would be more than adequate to top off a 3 acre pond during dry spells. Total cost was about $2000.00. I run mine 24/7 in summer for my trout pond.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.