Stocked my 1.5 acre new pond in 11/15 with 2000 1-3 inch coppernose bluegill, 6000 FHM, 150 3-4 inch LMB. I bought a feeder from Lochow Ranch and began feeding 4x/day, 1 second at a time per their recommendations but cut it back to just once a day for the winter. I used to see fish eating the feed but I haven't seen any fish eating for a month and have seen feed floating all the way to the other end of the pond. I am pretty sure the fish had been feed trained at the fishery. I called Lochow and they recommended again to go to 4x/day to train them and I thought that might work, especially with water warming up but I have been out several times during pellet disbursement and still NO feeding activity after 4x/day schedule for 10 days. I am using a generic feed with 30% protein, floating pellets. I do see fish eating bugs at dusk, though. What does this mean and what do I do? Am I ruining water quality by putting in too much feed? BONUS QUESTION: Attempts to catch bass with beetle spins has failed to yield a bite; are they just too small still or is this a problem?