I have eight PS remaining after I lost a couple from the nitrite spikes. All eight are in the tote right now. As far a building a screen, my main issue with this is that my outflow exits out of the valve that is built into the IBC rather than through pvc in a uniseal. I did try to make a screen, but it was impossible to get the right size because the hole it will be covering is under water. At some point I will drain the IBC and build a screen before refilling, but I am not in too big of a hurry to get the PS moved. I actually prefer them in the tote, because they are easier to watch. Eight 2-3 inch fish in over 250 gallons of water might become hard to keep track of. Plus, right now in the IBC I have a 7 inch walleye that I have been feeding fatheads. I do not really have an purpose for this walleye other than for my enjoyment when I watch it feed.

My best case scenario is that the PS spawn this spring/summer and I raise the YOY in the IBC. If that doesn't work out, I might try raising some yellow perch in it.