I still haven't stocked the LMB but am still looking to do that this spring unless I should wait longer.

I've been reading more and more and now am wondering if I should be stocking more things. My goals are still to not have trophy anything. I'm just wanting a nice balance that supports lots of wildlife. My fingers are crossed the mallards and wood duck I have seen lately will stay around this year. I will harvest fish as needed, or let my neighbor do it.

Should I be looking at other types of minnows aside from the FHM that probably won't last after the LMB are in? What about grass shrimp or crayfish? Any other things along this line?

I know there was at least 1 large crayfish I dug up when the pond was first built by accident. I have no idea if there are anything in there now unless crayfish were responsible for cutting the leaves off my lilies! I never found the culprit but they quit getting cut towards the end of last summer. I wasn't paying much mind at the time but there were tons of crustacean looking tiny things around rock piles when the pond was filling. I don't see anything now. I'm not sure what those were.

I'm in central VA. I should probably stop trolling around on here and finding more things I should be getting into all the time around this pond!

David Clapper