Bill, thanks for the advice. I have some on order which will arrive Wednesday. I'm curious why they can only harvest Scuds and shrimp (like the PK shrimp that Carol Fattig sold in the past) through the ice. I asked Kyle at the Habitatnow store why they can't harvest other times of year:

His reply:

We can only harvest them through the ice as that is when they come up out of the vegetation and we can harvest them in large quantities. When they are down in the vegetation, they are hard to get to and cannot get large amounts. I cannot tell you exactly how we harvest them as that is years of research and development to be able to do what we do.

If you are harvesting smaller amounts, you can set traps for them (minnow like traps with smaller mesh and put something dead in it such as a fish) or you can use a net to get some out of the vegetation. You would be able to harvest shrimp that way, just not large amounts like 10s of gallons.

Kyle, PLM


now I'm even more curious how they harvest through the ice. Maybe Carol knows? I don't want to take his livelihood away, but seems like this should not be proprietary protected knowledge but something that could help all of us as we stock our own ponds with them. I'd like to have some way of knowing if the stocking bunch survived or multiplied.

perhaps there is an attractant that brings them just under the ice? Food source? Irritant that brings them up?