Kieth, Sounds like you have lived the coontail nightmare and I appreciate your information very much. I have spent a few hours on working through the realities of the economics of a full flouridone treatment for 5mm gallons of water. Will be very expensive $$$$.

Based on the information I have gathered over the past couple of days, I may be leaning toward a "phased Hydrothol approach". If my math is correct, I will need approximately 250 lbs./$1300 of granules to treat the entire pond over several phases treatment. The phases are suggested to avoid a concentrated depletion of oxygen (assuming 5-6 phases of 5000 sq ft / .6 surface acres at a time / 40 lbs. of granules / assuming avg. depth of 4.5-5 ft. ).

may be too much information but would again appreciate any thoughts.

By the way I also have a few grass carp ready for harvest.