Hey LP,

IMO a catfish only pond will work but I think you are probably being too optimistic on how many and often you can harvest. Your pond is just a bit shy of 1/30th of an acre. If you are planning on feeding them a few catfish pellets everyday, IMO you could stock around 15 (rate of 500/acre). Aeration never hurts if you have electricity available. I would stock Hybrid Blues (HBC) if you can get them as they are supposed to grow quicker than channel catfish (CC). I would also stock at least two or 3 different sizes. That way you can have a few fish available for harvest more often. As you harvest the largest, you would restock the smallest size again.

I am not a pro, just my thoughts on the subject. Hopefully, a pro will be along soon to offer some advice.

Bill D.

Last edited by Bill D.; 02/19/16 08:33 AM. Reason: Clarification

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