Question, all us northern pond owners just came thru a very cold winter and extreme conditions for our fish. In my case, my 17 acre lake in southern Ontario, Canada had nearly 2 feet of ice and ice covered from December to the end of March with various amounts of snow cover throughout. (No aeration and no removal of snow from the ice other than a hockey rink) Last week all the ice melted and I only observed 2 dead fish (yellow perch) around the entire shoreline. There were no trace of dead LMB, SMB or bluegill. Is this common for the winter we had, the ice totally covered the entire lake for 3-4 months? My lake has roughly 20-25% weed cover only and has fairly clear water. Could some of the YOY and smaller fish have died and dropped to the lake bottom or do you think the D.O. was adequate for most of the fish to survive? I have approx. 4 acrea of area that is 12'deep while the remaining surface area is 4-6'. Thanks for your input and facts about your particular tank and winter kill. Keep up the great discussion.
