Originally Posted By: Bill D.
Did you design the house yet? Took my bride and I 9 months with a draftsman to get ours on paper. IMO take your time and design in everything you can that suits your preference. Making changes on paper (computer these days) are way cheaper than part way thru construction.

Yes, I have a nephew in LA that is an architect (by education). We sat down with him (several times) and got the house designed. Not my favorite part of the process. But, I'm glad it's done. I'm not that hard to satisfy. My better half...well, that's another story. Ha! We were hoping the oil and gas industry would rebound soon so we could get started...that may still be in the distant future.

I hope not any time soon. 4 bolts and a couple of wood screws and we should be able to remove the roof. I also built it big enough to house a little gas powered generator for electrical failure purposes.

...when in doubt...set the hook...