Originally Posted By: Cecil Baird1
15 to 30 cm. per second for optimal bottom cleaning.

Originally Posted By: JKB
Measured where?

In the water of the tank. grin

Originally Posted By: JKB
We are talking about a radius here dealing with velocity?

Huh? What's radius? grin

Originally Posted By: JKB
I mean, where do you pinpoint this at?

I didn't. That's what the book says. wink

Originally Posted By: JKB
Come on, this is a DIY thread and those numbers don't mean anything without nailing down specifics like at least where you measure this velocity at, and doubt many would buy a book that has crazy math in it.

This will all change quite a bit depending on tank diameter and water depth, so some insight would be nice on a DIY rig.

I mentioned that I may have a few questions.

Seriously though those aren't my numbers as you know, But you asked if I knew of any numbers so I got them for you. grin I just know I adjust the flow from my vertical and horizontal spray bar until the fish can't swim a against it or they would prefer to drift back. Then I back off the flow.

And I've actually purposely pinched a pellet and watched it sink and then move toward the center drain in a tighter and tighter circle. And of course there are plenty of solids when I pull the knife gate valve twice a day.

As I've said I'm smart enough to be an engineer but I can build what's needed and solve problems. The fish I've raised in these systems grow rapidly and are healthy. I've got SOME bluegill now that are 4 months away from being a year old and are already 8 inches. I'm hoping I can grow a few 1 lb. bluegill in a year like Lincoln University. That would be cool!

Anyway just want to share this with others to use as a tool for their ponds.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.