IceJunky, $57K sounds like stocking 1000 fish over 1 pound in size...or is way overpriced...

My first concern would be, at 161 acres, is this an HOA controlled lake, or does the state get involved in any aspect of the lake? I ask because there can be some liability issues for you or someone stocking if the proper permits/permissions are not in place.

Trout will need flowing, cold, shallow riffles over gravel to spawn. Absent the proper conditions of a larger stream flowing into the lake (which makes me think the state will have to approve any stocking) with those spawning conditions, I doubt the trout would sustain a presence.

While I am not sure about that 300/acre rate (sounds awfully high), you could stock less, and consider ONLY the acres in the lake you KNOW can sustain trout all year.

I am sure you got the temperature data that suggests year round cool water temps at depth, but have you gotten dissolved oxygen levels at depth in the warmest times as well?