Originally Posted By: Dudley Landry
Must be nice being able to plant fruit tree varieties without being concerned about chilling hours.

Last February I put in six peach and six nectarine and those that had good root systems seemed to just jump out of the ground, now being seven to eight feet tall. Yesterday, I noticed that the buds are swelling and it's entirely possible that I didn't get the 200 to 400 chilling hours that the trees need.

Sure hope you guys do better.

Upstate NY ... We never even think about chilling hours!
I'd give up some fruit for less chilling hours in a heartbeat. Actually am just north of where peaches do well. Just a bit too cold for too long. I'm researching which can handle it. I guess they do some varieties in Canada, so should be able to source some. I have 240 Chinese chestnut germinating now to go in the ground as seedlings in May. Did 150 last spring. That along with the pear and plum trees and my walleye season is already shot. Will try peaches perhaps next spring. Need to retire!

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