lIquidsquid, you're correct- southern finger lakes region. Nectarines sound intriguing..perhaps I'll try a few. Hard to invest too heavily knowing any winter could be like last. It's funny, this year everyone acts like we're in the clear because it's been so mild. On 1/16/15 I wrote in my notes "cold weather and a bit of snow in the forecast for the next couple weeks- taking a break working the place. It's been so easy on the wildlife this year, this is coming so late in the season it shouldn't affect them much"
I couldn't have been more wrong! The weather came in about the same time this winter...sure hope the severity and length of it don't approach last year! Got these projects done in the nick of time.
Esshup, on the recommendation of a friend that owns a 20,000 tree orchard, I went with Adams County nursery. My trees went in last April and are doing beautifully. I bought 5' tall 6"x6" concrete mesh in 150' rolls and cut ten 15' long sections from each roll. The 15' circle around each tree has kept the deer off. Too small an area to jump in, but big enough to allow unbrowsed growth of the trees. The cost was about $11 per tree, but without this there would be no trees. This orchard is located right in the middle of a hardwood forest. Should be some pretty good bow hunting down the road. cool

Last edited by Hollywood; 01/19/16 07:10 AM.

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