Originally Posted By: BobbyRice
yes like a crayfish condo...

I have about 3 stacks 4 high. I used long wood screws to secure them together in place them cinder blocks to sink them. My thoughts are if you went higher they would inhabit all the tunnel as they can go from level to level.

In fact while snorkeling last Sunday I tried to grab a few big ones and they just slid down to the next level to avoid my hand on the level I was reaching in on.

Oh, BTW....No wetsuit either...water had slight chill but refreshing....

Bobby if you want to catch them by hand go out at night snorkeling with a dive light. Shine the light on them and slip your other hand around behind them. Lot easier to catch by hand at night. I think the light kind of blinds them and they do not see your hand slipping behind them.

Might want to put a shortie wet suit on though. Will feel even cooler at night.

Last edited by snrub; 01/16/16 10:50 AM.


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