Cecil, only about 2.5 cubic feet of media in there, but that is only temporary to get the media started. It will be transferred to a barrel then I'll connect it to another barrel full of water and recirculate water thru the setup rig. That way I can mess with it and tweak where need be.

The other reason I started it in a glass aquarium is I wanted to see what is happening down below with the bubbles and media movement. It's quite interesting to see how the media reacts to different bubble sizes, so every couple days I'll run thru the different diffusers as the media gains weight to see what is happening.

I can tell you right now that a few large bubbles will bang this stuff around a heck of a lot more than a million small bubbles will at every stage so far. See how it goes as it get's heavier.

The hole saw's I need to install the Uni-Seals in the barrels are in the Gaylord box mad