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The problem with fish predators that I've found out is that they don't listen to you very well. You can tell them to only eat the bullheads, but if another fish swims by that they can eat just as easily, they won't swim past it and target the bullheads.

As for Flathead Catfish, same thing. You can't tell them to eat only the bullheads and not the LMB.....

My vote is to drain it down as low as you can, while leaving a few feet of water in it and push the reset button. Even to the point of applying the rotenone twice, making sure that every teeny, tiny puddle or wet muddy area is hit by the rotenone.


3/4 to 1 1/4 ac pond LMB, SMB, PS, BG, RES, CC, YP, Bardello BG, (RBT & Blue Tilapia - seasonal).