I have a question about putting more Bass and Channel cats in my pond. its a 7-8 acre pond and currently has some bass but not many. at least I can catch any if they are in there :-) and unfortunately a bunch of mud cats. I have been trying to fish the mud cats out but they keep multiplying faster than I can fish them out.

My goal is to catch fish. Im not interested in record bass I just want to catch fish and my sons loves fishing for bass and I like Channel cats so I thought I would stock some large, hopefully 1 pound each of both. I don't want over do it but I don't want to get things jump started so I currently have ordered 200 pounds of bass and 300 pounds of channel cats. both pellet feed I'm sure. is this amount going to be a problem? and do you have any recommendations.

I currently have 7 vortex aerators and 3 large fish feeders. I don't want to cause a fish kill with to many fish. I did have a fish kill a few years ago during the drought so I'm a little worried but at the same time I want to catch fish this summer and thought I would buy a bunch of fish and give it a try.

any thoughts?