I respectfully submit for consideration, that the cost numbers provided are applicable only if LMB are fed purchased forage for nearly 100% of their feeding. I agree with Basslover, a pond well stocked with good reproducing forage reduces the purchased forage requirement and dollar number per pound of predator growth significantly. IMHO purchased forage should be supplemental not primary. A pond with heavy forage density prior to stocking LMB may not even require supplemental stocking for some time, if at all, depending on whether the number of LMB stocked are at a rate to thrive or at a rate that exceeds the ponds capacity to produce abundant forage.

I agree with Bill C's point as well - IMHO If you stock a predator at a rate beyond the capacity of the pond to provide abundant forage, then be prepared to pay big bucks for the results you want.

Last edited by Bill D.; 01/06/16 08:06 AM. Reason: Clarification

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