Originally Posted By: Fatih
Thanks guys. Good to know, iron is safe.

The reason, i can't get 2 barrels is a- Technical part is much more difficult. Leaking is more likely, which would result in a disaster. I am living 1 mile away from these pools. I can't check them all the time.
b- I have some limits. I will have couple more pools and i can't get 2 barrel filters for each.

I got a question. Temperatures dropped and my LMB started to eat much less. Is this normal?

By the way i have a bad news. All of the cats and most of the BG's are dead. I don't know what happened. It was very sudden. They were kept in an outdoor pond which i was aerating , so they would have sufficient oxygen and they were very happy. I am very sad but all the LMB and some BG's are still alive, which are the 2 species i needed more than any other fish.

Next limiting factors behind oxygen are ammonia and nitrites. Were you checking them?

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.