I'm jealous as can be. I quail hunted down around Big Spring for many years, but we lost our contact down there. What a blast. We would sometimes see more birds down there in four days than we would in a dozen hunts up here in Missouri. My setters couldn't leave the stinking porcupines alone though. Always had to have pliers with me.
My neighbor up at the farm said his dad was down there recently. (With his 8 pointers) he said the birds are back. In the area he hunted, they had found 28 coveys before lunch on day one. I don't have a dog to take down there anymore. My last setter is 15..
Oh the memories... Great hunts when the birds were "there".. We hunted out of jeeps just like yours, with the seat up in back, dog box underneath, and a dog trailer in tow.
Your grandsons are getting quite the opportunity. Just awesome.

Last edited by SetterGuy; 01/01/16 02:53 PM.

9 yr old pond, 1 ac, 15' deep.
RES, YP, GS, FHM (no longer), HBG (going away), SMB, and HSB (only one seen in 5 yrs) Restocked HSB (2020) Have seen one of these.
I think that's about all I should put in my little pond.
Otter attack in 2023