Mdod, welcome to the best pond forum there is. Some actual experts will be along shortly so I won't give any advice. However,,,I usually give my opinions freely, so here is what I would do. Since your pond ain't broke don't try ta fix it. I have a 1/4 acre pond and that is plenty for me to maintain as best as possible with two of the smartest guys on the forum keepin me under their wings.
If I had such a sweet set up as you, I'd dig another smaller pond and use it to raise feed for your already well populated pond or to have fish that don't thrive well with the fish you already have. For instance, a YP, HSB, SMB pond with a few CC. Dig ya a small pond fairly deep and aeriate it and you will have a blast catchin those fish.
Do lots of research and ask tons of ?s before ya do anything.
Best of luck and please keep us all updated. Also keep a written and photo/video record of your endeavors. One of the blessing of getting old is ya start forgettin things.

Do nature a favor, spay/neuter your pets and any weird friends or relatives.