Thank goodness someone posted a good thread wishing all a great holiday season.

Setterguy, wadda ya mean "its goin a little better than this"? Santa's expression is 'priceless'!! Bet he had a wet lap after the wonderful picture takin experience. It don't get better than two completely innocent and honest young folks who are dressed up and plopped on a wanna be Bob Lusk dressed like a big Elf, expressing a complete dislike of their predicament to parents and grandparents. Keep that picture and when they are 21 or getting married, give it to them with an acknowledgement that they were probably smarter than said parents and gps.

Stick, thanks for a wish from Minn without pics of fur ball, flea collectors.

Tbar, nice pics. Must be nice ta take the family ta Paris or is that Lego Land?

Sunil I would mention that no one is interested in anything coming out of west Penn but you are better at slingin insults, so I won't.

In all sincerity, I hope EVERYONE has a great holiday season and may the good Lord keep blessing us as he has.

Do nature a favor, spay/neuter your pets and any weird friends or relatives.