Hey guys,

Seems like i am not getting my pond property very soon. So , i am planning to buy a boat with a cabin, which is about 2500 lbs with an engine and other stuff(trailer not included).

This perhaps:

My question is i will use this boat like you use bass boats. So i will tow it to another place all the time.

I know lots of people here tow boats. I wonder how such a boat would affect my gas mileage? Let's say i have 20 MPG right now.

I know there are lots of variables but just make a guess. I am not after getting a very precise number. I just wanna make sure i won't pay more than twice for gas.

Edit : I use 2000 cc engine, 4 cylinder, 4 WD Pickup Truck. Diesel.

Last edited by Fatih; 12/20/15 11:53 AM.