Thanks Bill,

The previous owner stated I have rights to use the whole body of water. It was the realtors understanding that that was the way it worked in TN also. I moved from KY and that's how it worked there. I wish there was a written legal agreement, but there's not and I maybe at fault for presuming when I bought the place.

I wouldn't say we have a conflict.The one neighbor in question was nice and said I can fish it, but was rather blunt to claim it his and state I was really only legally entitled to use the water where my land is . I'm not looking to start a feud or be a jerk with him.I think the way someone else had explained it was the state owns the body of water so everyone with property access can use it the whole body of water. I would like to know if TN is different in regards to the law. I don't want to get ran off down the road if I stand correct.