One thing I never asked is what your heater voltage is?

From what I have pieced together (may not have been paying attention that much and missed something) is the solar panels are in series generating higher voltage, then running thru a charge controller, topping off batteries at 24VDC, then burning the excess off during peak times thru the heaters and lights. Anywhere close?

After Christmas, I'm going to start buying pieces and parts for a 600 watt AC rig (with some DC as well). Got this bug in my bean about using the ABB (formerly Power One) Micro Inverters. They are a grid tied rig, but have some decent info on how to trick them into thinking they are grid tied.

Some issues with that as well, because if your generating more power than your eating, you need to push it someplace to burn it off to balance it out. That's where a resistive device like a heater would come in handy.

Anyway, a way's to go yet.