My son finally pulled the trigger on a buck that we put on the hit list. He wasn't as mature as we like but his characteristics were hard to pass. We have over 500 trail cam pics of this buck we called "Split Brow". But we hadn't seen him in person until the 2nd weekend of firearm season. My 14 year old spent many hours bowhunting and passed up several young bucks. I spent a few days in the stand as well but neither one of us had seen "Split Brow". My son and his buddy filmed the entire hunt, dropping "Split Brow" in his tracks. Its a pretty awesome video. He ended up with 13 scoreable points. I'm very proud of my son and his patience in the woods.
My 12 year old shot a young buck during youth season as well. I have the boys participate in taking care of what they harvest and having the benefit of knowing what they are consuming.

Attached Images
Split Brow in velvet.PNG Split Brow in velvet 2.PNG Split Brow on ground.PNG Split Brow and Rider.JPG processing cole.JPG processing burger.JPG processing jerky.JPG Split Brow.PNG
Last edited by bowfishersmith; 12/02/15 01:00 PM.