L - Congratulations on getting your land.

I apologize beforehand for throwing a little rain on your parade. If you are somewhat of a city slicker (like me), then being in the center of 14 acres in the heavy woods can make you and your kids feel like the only people on the planet.

The statement above is true - until you start firing a rifle! A .22LR round can easily leave your property. If your 14 acres are a square, then it is only 781 feet minimum to your nearest property line from the center. A .22 round (fired up at 30 degrees) can travel over a mile. If your kids are shooting at a chest-high target on a tree, it cannot go that far, but it can certainly go off your property. Trees do not make a reliable back-stop for wayward rifle shots.

I have a 300 acre property and we shoot rifles into a 20' high hill. I am still worried about skips when some of the guys shoot high-powered rounds. I am going to build a steep back-stop next time I have heavy equipment on the farm.