Sorry to say, I read a lot but don't save the references very often. I have come across a lot of articles talking about the housing for the mothers. I have always assumed they were doing this housing when she is mouth brooding. She can't protect herself very much and would rather hide and have her backside protected. I think once the fry are released, they will go where they want and leave that "home", to be eaten or learn quickly and go back. Meanwhile the mother will frantically go protecting them.

I never found to much info about leaving the fry with the mother. Most will take the eggs from her and throw them into an incubator. I will say, if you want the fastest/strongest growth, the incubator seems better. The eggs/fry grow much bigger compared to leaving them mouth brooded. I contribute this to the fact the eggs in the mouth are confined and thus stunted right from the start, much like overcrowding any fish in a pond. However, incubators are more work to fuss with. Just have to figure out which way is best for you.

I have not actually sacrificed a hatch of fry by adding in other fish once the fry are released. Might be an interesting experiment sometime. The way it is now, the mother goes ballistic anytime something gets near the tank. You can actually hear her scratching the glass with her teeth. And yes, she bites any hands that go into the water...

Last edited by fish n chips; 11/18/15 08:46 PM.