Actually usually don't mind snow but have a running heated $26,000 Michael Phelps Swim Spa sitting outside on a foundation addition with all the building materials to enclose it, and my Amish contractor is nowhere to be found! He's not answering his cell phone or calling me back!

We had to hook up the power and fill the tank as it was tested just before delivery and has water in the lines. Not really that worried and it is covered and well insulated, but sure would feel better if the contractor would show up!

Going to give him a couple more days and then start looking for another contractor. Actually I'm going to show up at his house tomorrow!

Probably deer hunting! That would br O.K. but he said he'd be here last week! The part about not calling back irks me the most. I have people I don't want to call back in my business that annoy me, but I feel I have to as a business.

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 11/17/15 09:03 PM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.