So today while working more on the guest house situation and walking the rest of the property. My GF's dog found something of interest, at first I thought he was just smelling the ground so I went to see what was up. I stepped near where he was smelling and my foot punched through into a beaver den or what I assume must be a beaver den. Had multiple escape holes and a primary entrance at a good angle going into the water(also had nutria on the property as of late so may have been there den). I started digging it out and realized my beaver issue is beyond my control.

I had ordered some traps after watching numerous videos online but now I think I shall donate them to the local trapper who was listed on the DWF website(he is coming out to asses later this week). I was going to try and combat this problem myself(Bear in mind I was going to have a friend over when I was setting the traps after the advice of some, which I humbly appreciate.) but perhaps the gentleman will be nice enough to show me the basics of trapping while he works my property. Also heavy rains where I am at in Louisiana and the beavers damming up my primary spillway pipe has already caused numerous problems on the property as of late. If I get over the shock I will post some photos. To a seasoned vet my issues are probably on the small end but to a novice pondmeister it's enough to make you sell and move to a desert.

On the plus side, I am extremely glad that I did not have my tractor near there pulling stumps. This would easily have put me in the drink along with the tractor. Hope everyone else's day went better than mine to even out the cosmic balance of things frown.