Originally Posted By: esshup
Don't feel alone Cecil.

We had a gang of O2 tanks at work. It was hooked up to a mechanical torch that was used to cut really, really thick steel circles 8"-10" or so in thickness. IIRC 12 of the large O2 tanks all hooked together, one valve turns them all on. The employee turned off the valve at the torch tip and not the gang. It emptied itself over night.

My BBQ. I couldn't figure out why the flame was low and wouldn't get bigger even tho the tank was full. I screwed around with it for about 1/2 hr with the BBQ on and burning before I realized the rubber line had a small crack in it. THAT would have been interesting if the propane would have built up around the tank!!!

Yikes! sick


No worries about showing my mistakes. I'm secure enough to eventually laugh at myself and learn from it.

Someone once told me the best lessons are painful. They're the ones you rarely repeat.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.