
The RES spawn once a year as I recall, so they are not really a food source for LMB, they are however great at snail removal!! If you want more forage, use CNBG. You might also add Tilapia during the warmer months.

About Beavers, they have a place in public waters. I am growing trees and beavers are a problem for us. However, they do make great fajitas, and their fur, while hard to remove, makes great gloves and mittens.

I was taught to use conibear 330's for beavers. They work great. If you are a very good shot, be ready after sunset and you might get a chance. Rarely will you get a second shot opportunity.

About solar, I have dabbled, your choices are to find a DC powered light system, or use batteries and an inverter. Your choice. I like adding solar power to my ponds as needed, its portable and I can get things done with it that otherwise would not get done, but it is work to set up and its not free. The HF panels are not what you are looking for. Look for mono-crystalline or poly-crystalline cell panels. Don't skimp on the charge controller and use proper batteries. In the long run, you will be dollars ahead and a lot happier with the results.


The one thing is the one thing
A dry fly catches no fish
Try not to be THAT 10%