Originally Posted By: Bill D.
Originally Posted By: Boburk
”Like an aquarium” was my thought on it Bill....set up in my shop. My thought was to use my minnow trap to get a couple dozen of my smallest fingerlings when the water gets to about 60 degrees in my pond...and set the heaters to maintain about 60-65 degrees through the winter. Then put them back in the pond in the spring when temps will support them.


I don't know how big a tank you are talking, but I would keep the feed to the low side. I would not be looking for huge growth, just get them healthy and happy thru the winter. I like your plan and it is a great opportunity for other folks to learn from your experience! I would think keeping the feed to the low side will also help with water quality.

Where's the fun in that guys? The biggest kick I get out of bringing fish in for the winter into my DIY systems is he much they have grown come spring.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.