Well apparently my Koenders windmill has already taken a dump after only 4 months. I am close to 1,800 miles away from it so I only have a friends eyes on it (luckily he has had his own aeration windmill for 10 years). Very windy day yesterday and he could only get one diffuser to work at a time. If one valve is closed all the way one diffuser will work. If the other valve is closed all the way the other diffuser will work. He says the windmill is not putting out anywhere near the air it did this summer.

Any one think this could be anything besides the compressor?
EDIT: BTW, it is running two Vertex diffusers.

This is worst case scenario for me. 1,800 miles away,headed into winter, weeks until the place becomes very difficult to access, got to have a friend handle the problem and now I have to start worrying about a winter kill all over again due to the reliability of my windmill. What if I put on a new unit and it fails in 4 months.....

I have an email into Koenders asking them to ship out a new compressor and my friend will ship the defective unit back. We will see how their customer service is. Sure hope it all goes smooth.

Last edited by wbuffetjr; 10/13/15 10:20 AM.

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