Goes another 50-60 feet or so behind me.
No more. It's bordering 2 acres. That's enough to take care of and maintain.
I can probably handle a few more bass in there now.

You can see the addition if you look for the underwater remnants of the dam, which about 70 feet was left to provide a really nice spawning area, then you can see how substantial the enlargement was. The left corner with the trees standing on that point ,,,,,,back. If you look at the trees on the left side, point, and go to the right you will see a faint image under water of what was once the dam, which will give another idea of how much was enlarged. It's completely submerged now and your really cant see it anymore but the fish stack up on it and bass are constantly hitting at or near it. I could easily knock what's left of the dam out, but the fish love it and its about 3-4 feet under water now. You can still see it when youre close to it because the waters clear. It looks cool actually. Also Ive thought about planting some Iris on it, all the way across. But here you can see the enlargement was substantial. Made the pond look 100x better to me.

Last edited by Jason007; 10/09/15 10:17 AM.