Originally Posted By: mudhole
Originally Posted By: Zep
dlowrance....I think my tilapia will be unemployed come december!

Maybe the Tilapia just need to be in better schools.

Mudhole, My Tilapia get free housing. They are in huge, very structured schools. Yet, the housing projects are so over crowded, there is constant fighting and murders. The accommodations are top notch and modern, with copious amounts of cash poured into the system. While the free lunch program grows the kids fast and appears to be a success, with no physical education program, they become so fat and lazy they're eating anything and everything all day long Including each other.

Without learning any self discipline, the reproduction rates just go off the charts, adding more and more mouths to feed and leading to more over crowding and carnage! You should see the violence at feeding time!

In an attempt to restore order, 1000's of the meanest and hungriest are rounded up each spring and banished from the free services and forced to forage for themselves. Sadly, so many ignored what was taught in school, never learned basic rules of survival without all the subsidizing and perish from the cold. Thank goodness they don't use phones...yet!

Personally, I think Highflyer is just too soft hearted by providing more free housing, adding free heat and even oxygen bars for them to hang out in.

Don't even get me started on the costs of the "free" healthcare these fish get!

The ONLY bright spot about overly dependent Tilapia, they LOVE knocking the snot outta HBG!