I talked to somebody at the NRCS, and he said they do nothing with ponds. So I got a reference from the county ag agent. Before I could meet him, we get 10" of rain this week. I'm sure the pond is now completely full for the first time in months (it usually fills briefly in spring and then slowly goes down the rest of the year). For cost effectiveness, I would rather have work done when it is on the low side.

I realize that this will not be an easy fix. So, while the heavy equipment is out there, I am thinking of just having the front end dredged. They would probably need a load or two to finish the repair. I would estimate they could probably pull 20+ loads pretty easily. What to do with all that dirt.....I am thinking of having them grade it on the back of the dam to make it less sharp of a slope and easier to mow. Also, the cavity blow the pipe that used to be the overflow, as seen in the pics above....have that filled in. Any reason that would not be a good idea?

I had loggers clear the back of the dam when they were cutting pine on our place this spring....much easier to access now.