Originally Posted By: SetterGuy
Thanks for the info esshup and poppy65.
I'll be trying that coating on the YP soon..
Poppy65, you are making me nervous about stocking the HBG. I was hoping they wouldn't reproduce, and if the experiment of having them in with my YP, SMB, and RES would be controlled. If it didn't work out, I thought once I had caught them, it would be over. Trapping offspring wasn't what I was hoping for. Oh well, we shall see.
I had a possum get in the live trap the other day. I've been catching all coons until now. Well he managed to Rick the trap down I to the water. When I pulled it out it had two HBG in it! I guess they were going after the possum. That is aggressive!

I think mine must be crossing with regular BG since I stocked regular BG and somehow got a few HBG in the mix. I doubt the few HBG I ended up with would multiply this much unless they were crossing with BG. Whatever they are, nearly all look like like HBG. I see some regular BG fry also. I've caught a few of the original HBG and they are up around 1 pound. Got a scale last week and hope to weight a few Saturday.