We finally got our first pond dug and filled. It's probably just under 1/4 acre at this point and 10'+ in the middle. It backfills upstream in to the trees quite a at about 4 feet deep as it heads up hill.

The original plan had been to stock it with snails, FHM, crayfish, RES and a few catfish. Then my wife got ducks. A lot of ducks (17).

And she decided that she likes BG. So now I'm thinking crayfish, FHM, GSH, BG, YP and a few SMB. We also have native creek chubs that seem to be in every trickle or puddle of water here. I also intend to some day enlarge the pond on the top end after we get the larger downstream pond built in a few years.

I'm planning a small stocking in the fall since most of my fish money got eaten up by a blown head gasket in my truck. So probably just the crayfish and minnows. And 'maybe' a handful of YP or BG just because.

I really thought I had a plan all worked out. See what happens when you have too much time to think?

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