Condello - it was a casual conversation with the guy who works at the loading dock. I didn't interview anyone on the topic, and I certainly didn't talk to the production manager or their food biologist. Since I am very happy with Rangen products and have never used Aquamax, I really don't care if its the same stuff or not, so there was no reason for me to follow up.

As I'm sure you know, there are a lot of name brand products we all buy that have generic equivalents. We never know whether the chicken or the egg came first - ie, even if it is the same product, is this the Rangen formula in an Aquamax bag, or the Aquamax forumula in a Rangen bag? Do you perceive a problem with it being one way or the other?

I can probably get you a copy of the ingredients tag for Rangen if you are still interested, but you might also be able to find the ingredients on their website.