I know I know, the bucket event is bad news. I guess I'm not sure how much regret to feel as I don't know if these snails are bad or good yet. Perhaps they filter the water for me, I don't know. But I will probably try to rake the 'adults' out since it is easy to do and hope the RES take care of the 'babies'.

I bet even the great RES pictures on this forum would have a hard time choking down one of these monsters.

I wonder if I can sell them to local folk who buy them for their aquariums?

The bucket stocker told me he put a bullhead in. Still wondering if he did or not or if I'll ever see the bullhead or his activity again.

Do bullhead bite on trotlines overnight?

What he did to my pond reminds me of the old returning from the honeymoon prank where someone takes your entire pantry and takes off all the labels of your canned goods. Every time you open a can (or in my case walk around the pond) you never know what you might find....