Originally Posted By: catmandoo

You are lucky to have been on the "nort shore" in Minnesota, rather than on the "sout shore" in Wisconsin, or even worse, on the eastern end of the lake, like between Ironwood MI/Hurley WI and the Copper Harbor area heading to Houghton/Hancock MI. We relied on nearby towns with really big snowcats and people who knew how to use witching rods just to find our little towns. cry grin

Ahh, yes, the 'lake effect.' Wow, that's a LOT of snow! So, did they ever find your towns? I guess they must have, or you wouldn't be posting. grin

As I recall, we only got a moderate amount of snow when I was living in the nort' o' Minnesota, but the -40F temps made up for my disappointment. Here in coastal Maine, it's a bit warmer, but at least we get a goodly amount of snow. crazy

Al (aka Ancient One, Alan, Indy, Doc, or 'Hey you!')
Archaeologists learn by trowel and error.