Originally posted by Gary:
Newbee, my fish consulsant told me about Aquamax which I believe is a Purina Product. True to all above about different sizes. I buy Aquamax 5D09, it is small enough for my Coppernose bluegill. Its a floating pellet that is small enough for the small fish to mouth untill soft and bigger ones just take it under. It is 36%. My cost here in central Texas is around $15.20 fpr 50 lb. bag Hope this helped.

5D09 must be the omnivore feed (Tialpia & Cafish). Protein sounds a little low for the trout, perch, hybrid striped bass feed. No 5DO9 in carnivore feed.

Guys, you can feed what you want but higher protein is better for your bluegills, bass, etc vs. catfish and talipia. I can show you studies that show better growth and health for bluegills on higher protein feed. If carnivore fish get too much carbohydrates in their diet they develop fatty livers and become functional diabetics. It may not be obvious but you could end up with more winter mortality and slow growth. Why cut corners and cheat yourself?

About feeding dogfeed to fish; Would you feed dogfood to a cat? Did you know if you did your cat would have health problems due to not getting what it needs in it's diet? Isn't a fish a lot different then a dog and a cat?

Gamefish need protein, vitamins, ammino acids etc. etc. If you feed them dogfood they won't be getting it. Are some of you spending thousands of dollars on a pond, fish etc. only to go cheap on the feed? That just makes no sense. \:\(

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.