Racheal, you may also wish to look at crawfish as a food source, especially papershell crawfish -- they are less inclined to burrow into your dam. If you have some rocks where the crawfish can hide and breed, they can be significant forage for the LMB.

Threadfin shad may be suitable as well, depending on your pond & climate. And, of course, tilapia will control algae while feeding bass. Tilapia aren't legal for stocking everywhere, though, so you'd need to check on this.

One last comment: No matter what forage fish you have, remember that they need to be fed. The more you feed them, the better they do. The better they do, the better the LMB do!

7ac 2015 CNBG RES FHM 2016 TP FLMB 2017 NLMB GSH L 2018 TP & 70 HSB PK 2019 TP RBT 2020 TFS TP 25 HSB 250 F1,L,RBT -206 2021 TFS TP GSH L,-312 2022 GSH TP CR TFS RBT -234, 2023 BG TP TFS NLMB, -160